Retrieved Items (aka ,,Caches’‘)

What is a Cache?

Basically every single bit of metadata returned from libglyr is a Cache. It is basically a result or it is sometimes referred to as an item. It encapsulates basic attributes like a bytearray of data, a checksum, an optional imageformat and some more.

What can I do with one?

Caches can be...

  • … committed to a local database (see next section)
  • … written to HD via it’s write() method.
  • … printed to stdout via print(), currently __repr__ is not implemented.

You can use the data property to get the actual metadata. This is always a bytestring, even with lyrics. You have to convert it to the desired encoding (e.g. utf-8) like this:

str(, 'utf-8')


This might throw an UnicodeError on non-utf8 input, or imagedata. Use the Query-Property force_utf8 to only retrieve valid utf-8 textitems.

The data property is settable. Setting will also cause the size and checksum to be adjusted.


Cache implements the __eq__ and __ne__ operator, which will compare only the data properties. This is meant to be a shortcut, since comparing data is usually the only thing you want to compare.
